Issue Position: COVID-19

Issue Position

​Reconvene the Legislature to do their job and act as a check on power of the Governor.
Get Maine back to work and open for business -- with care and safety for our most vulnerable.
Give common sense guidelines to Maine's small businesses and trust them to look after their customers and employees.
Put small, local businesses first by aiming regulatory policies toward helping small business, not transnational corporations and big box stores.
Build high-speed fiber networks in rural Maine to provide tele-health, remote education, and connectivity for small business entrepreneurs.

​"We need to come together in this pandemic. COVID-19 not only is a devastating health crisis. It has brought about lost jobs, crushed small businesses, and fractured dreams of Mainers from Fort Kent to Fryeburg. As State Senator, I will put to work all my experience in job creation and public service to embrace bold action to save Maine workers, their families, and our local small businesses -- the lifeblood of our communities."
